Thursday, July 20, 2006

Oh, this shit hole only called paris
ok, ok, so i've been meaning and trying to tell you about it the whole time i've been here, but, it's, hard. Fact 1: EVERYBODY in paris smokes. when i told my mother this, she said: "oh, well, it IS your city!" and oh, yes, it's the city i was born in and the city i will die in and at every moment it reminds me of that, always whispering whereever i go: i am the city you have always been. how can i possibly explain this non-sense? every baby carriege has smoke coming out of it! when i still used to (try) to ask if i could smoke people would look at me like i'm dumb (which is true). i spent noon to three at the er yesterday (cause i got overheated and freaked out a bit) and we would sneak cigarettes in the waiting room! it was too funny. everybody here makes me think of my brothers and sisters and lovers. it's the oddest (and the most "natural" whatever the fuck that means) thing.
i didn't sleep a wink the six hours on air-india cause i was too excited. i didn't talk to anybody either (i usually don't on planes). i just anticipated, and anticipated. then i almost died of heat at the airport (who'd put airconditioning at an airport! not the french. they've never heard of it. [tell it to hegel!]) and i realized then that i didn't even know how to say "WATER." that's a problem.
for the first 2 nights i stayed in this tiny (virtually everything is in miniature here) hotel, at the top floor. it was in a posh, posh centerish area (paris is not big, so everything seems like the center to me), so i was charmed despite the fact that my room contained no air and half a ceiling. it did have a tiny brown desk, so after wondering paris like a somnambulist (yeah, it's a cheap shot!), i sat in my room happy as a clam typing away and drinking cheap wine. oh, and yes, we all drink day noon night, and wine and beer are never more expensive than coffee, tea, juice or water (so why not?). but, ah, i can't communicate with people. yeah, SOME parisians speak english, but most won't unless they think it'll get them laid (and i'm not usually into encouraging such assumptions). i cried at lunch the first day cause i was convinced the waiter was making fun of me to the other guests...service people are so mean i wouldn't go to restaraunts alone even if i could afford it. and perhaps i'd be too. paris IS overrun by tourists like lice. i went to the louvre for the first time after passing it from my airport shuttle in utter wonder after the er, cencierly expecting that at least there the tourists wouldn't be running like maggots. ha! you smile at my innocence, but i thought "ART" at least evokes SOME patience, no, no, no. more later love
ps. crackerjack comments always inspire me to post sooner cause it's the only way i really know you care (read:read).

Friday, July 14, 2006


to dad, with love

Sunday, July 09, 2006

beyond the wall? (one is never too short)

medusa's eyes, and mine

Saphire Eye/
Gift of Myself

i got a gift, what day-a gift!
a spark of olds and news: a phenix
i got a gift-open reach
listen: the gift-a gift-myself

dead-lost, here i am new shine
breathing in every direction
how can you give me
to myself? Having

never met, we meet in a maze of velvet
and you ask: where
can i buy your hair? so

i take it of-the air! and give-
take it, without money-
no exchange

you pull out a small thing
from a box by its tail-
broken medusa

telling me: you must fix, keep
and cherish this/you/me

what do i know?
my sapphire-may seeing eye-my glass heart.

Israel, will you not end the hand of trauma until you spark the third world war?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

CJ: Louisville, Gay Pride

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Queen + Queen does a Queendom make.

There is nothing better than dancing with a queen. It is not only the attention, it is rather the quality than the quantity of the attention. The latter, generally unfortunately, never poses a problem for "attractive" women, but the quality is always an issue. When she dances with a queen, she feels herself queen, experiencing queendom with a queen in an undeniable way--before others. It is one thing to be a queen, another to know you are, another to know others, and finally, another to be seen with a queen. A queen plus a queen does a queendom make. She thinks so. The attention has the proper quality of awe.

"Have any girls come up to you yet?" asks Joe[?]. Poor me, she thinks: "Girls don't do that." She says that as a dare to be proven wrong. Tonight. Sometimes it is, but in comparison with "men," it is as if they didn't. The numbers are bad. What is the point of comparison? There's only one: jealousy, and hence pity for herself. How many days has it been? she thinks, since I have been...held, touched by a touch that is asking and asks nothing. She always wants this, which is seldom there, on any part. She does not remember.
Irreme turns, and looses herself in the crowd, just to see. "Smile," she reminds herself, "look people in the eye, if you want to meet someone. Stop holding your head down out of fear. You cannot only be afraid of violence and too persistent men." She finds the one corner unlike a sardine can, and catches the music like the wind. She starts dancing as she moves past people and she smiles, into a queen's sparkling eyes. She is very small and she is wearing an old out of shape or perfectly shaped cowboy hat, low over her eyes. Her long blond hair hides the countours of her face, and the smile that shines past the veils is beaming. As she soon notices, it is beaming with intoxication. Intoxication is not
a judgment. People can smile into each other. People can smile into each other's eyes, which is also smiling into each other's faces. It happens like an accident, but it isn't. And then something is left. An impression. A trace. Alehandra!(That's right, girl, RRRoll that r like it was yourrs.) Say it to yourself, and you hear the royal h like applause. Say it in a queen's smooth and raspy voice and you are seduced.
"She beckons and i cannot look around to check if it is me she beckons. I know it is because i feel the spark of her eyes in mine. I come, carried by it." Alehandra keeps dancing and smiling into Irreme, and Irreme follows. Then she leads and follows. She wants to do it simultaneously, but she must admit she is not practiced enough. So few people know how to lead and follow in one breath. To do so would be to follow a way, perhaps. Not a direction, but a way. Abstraction is not a solution, but an inspiration. Irreme dances with a queen, Alehandra, every moment of which is a true event. There are no technicalities in movement.
This story has certainly not ended.