Response to Oppressive Radio, aka Progressive Radio
Dear Leon,
I am struck by the words of hatred I heard from “progressive radio,” a place I had thought was intended to counter verbal abuse heard on right wing talk shows. Would you put your body where your mouth is? That is, would you demonstrate your hate by going to gay-bashing rallies, committing physical violence against people you decide are “gay?” I do not doubt you are saying, “No!” I would do no such thing. Then what makes you think spreading hatred and verbal violence on the radio (progressive radio!) is different? The road from speech to action is oh, so narrow. By telling people “sexual orientation” is the wrong “choice” you sanction physical violence committed by others, using the power of the word to spread hatred. Hatred gives rise to violence. I am deeply saddened and outraged by your abuse of “progressive radio.” This scandal has forced me to decide that “progressive” radio is exactly the same as right-wing hate radio. I will not listen to your show again until you commit to apologize to everyone whose life you have made just a little more unlivable by spreading hateful fantasies at a time when we need to come together to help victims of bad decisions made by this administration. Your hatred supports and mimics Bush by sowing division among the people who would stand together to oppose this regime. Take off your democrat mask.
Sincerely grieved by your destruction of solidarity committed through spreading hatred,
I am struck by the words of hatred I heard from “progressive radio,” a place I had thought was intended to counter verbal abuse heard on right wing talk shows. Would you put your body where your mouth is? That is, would you demonstrate your hate by going to gay-bashing rallies, committing physical violence against people you decide are “gay?” I do not doubt you are saying, “No!” I would do no such thing. Then what makes you think spreading hatred and verbal violence on the radio (progressive radio!) is different? The road from speech to action is oh, so narrow. By telling people “sexual orientation” is the wrong “choice” you sanction physical violence committed by others, using the power of the word to spread hatred. Hatred gives rise to violence. I am deeply saddened and outraged by your abuse of “progressive radio.” This scandal has forced me to decide that “progressive” radio is exactly the same as right-wing hate radio. I will not listen to your show again until you commit to apologize to everyone whose life you have made just a little more unlivable by spreading hateful fantasies at a time when we need to come together to help victims of bad decisions made by this administration. Your hatred supports and mimics Bush by sowing division among the people who would stand together to oppose this regime. Take off your democrat mask.
Sincerely grieved by your destruction of solidarity committed through spreading hatred,